Saturday, July 4, 2015


I was so not ready to come home yesterday.  We got home just a little after midnight last night.  We would have been home sooner but we missed a reduced speed limit sign and got a "driving reward."  It was a sweet way to end a fabulous vacation.


Before we headed back towards home we did some sightseeing in Duluth.

Ok I wanted to drive across the lift bridge and actually walk over and see the walking bridge.

G just had to get a closer look at the Irvin.  We didn't have time to do the tour so we plan to make the trip to do that later this summer.

We also stopped at J Cook State park on the way home.

By the end of the stop Z had to change her outfit.

See that water she had to get into it shoes and all.

G did get to climb on the rocks in the park which is always fun.

He is such a ham.  We did stop at Nana's cabin and my friend Kat's house on the way home as well.  Everything said and done we had tons of fun and made some great memories with our children that will never be forgotten.  I can't wait to do it again next year lol.

As for today?  We spent the day being bums and unpacking the car.  We did have to run to the grocery store for milk and bread because we ate all of that on Saturday before we left.


  1. You are so lucky that you got to go on such a cool trip! I loved seeing the pictures!

    1. Thanks it was so much fun you should plan one yourself
