Tuesday, February 17, 2015

No Tech Tuesday

We are still keeping up with our No Tech Tuesday thing.  The boys actually are starting to look forward to it now.

Today we worked on our puzzle and it is starting to take shape finally.

We paid bills.  We discussed finances with the boys too.  We don't want them to end up in debt because they have no clue how to budget or work a checkbook.

We made a quick and easy dinner of toaster strudels.  

Played with Z in her room.

We also decided to start something new.  What we decided to do is look in the freezer or ads and find a main ingredient to find a new recipe to try.  This one came from the freezer and it is a whole cut up chicken.

We have it narrowed down to a few different things to try so stay tuned to see what we decide to make.

What would you make with a whole chicken?
Jingle Jangle Jungle


  1. I definitely need to implement a no tech or tv day!!

    A whole chicken, hmm, I would be lazy and roast it. Or make chicken noodle soup!

  2. that looks a lot of fun, personally i dont think i can stay a day with technology

    1. Its not a whole day just from after work/school until the kids go to bed at 8

  3. no tech tuesday would make me bonkers! I have to have some kind of connection. I have no idea what I'd do with a whole chicken. rotisserie?

    Thank you for tossing your hat into the ring at the Party Under The Big Top! I hope to see you again next week!

  4. No Tech Tuesday is awesome for you guys. I am also glad that you are showing the boys some practical life skills!

    A whole chicken, eh? Throw it in the crockpot, shred it and use it for multiple meals. That's what I would do, lol!

  5. I think that if I implemented a no tech Tuesday around here they would find my body in the middle of the desert somewhere. lol I'm serious the teens would go crazy and so would my husband only because he wouldn't be able to stand the ruckus! Ha!

    As far as the whole chicken goes I have to agree with Echo's comment above as I often use the crockpot and turn things into at least two meals!

    Thank you for joining us and linking up to Party Under the Big Top! Hope to see you again next time!

    Wishing you a fabulous week!

    Much love,
    Lysa xx
    Welcome to My Circus

  6. We have a huge storm approaching and an impending power failure ... It might have to be no tech Thursday in our house! Great ideas - love the idea of a no tech day! #toddlerapprovedtuesday

    1. It is way better to plan it than having it as a surprise lol

  7. Sounds as though you had a great day! such a great idea to do it regularly, not sure if I could do it every week :)

    Thanks for linking #toddlerapprovedtuesday xx

    1. With growing boys it is the only way we all get to spend time together these days
