The book we reviewed is called I Wish I Were a Lion by Dan Jackson. You can get the book for your Kindle for $1.99 here.
The book has tons of facts and pictures of lions. If you are into that then this is the book for you. If you could go either way about lions and just want something fun to read with your kids then I don't recommend this book at all.
It has a fox on the cover and no where in the book does it mention a fox.
It is recommended for kids ages 4-9 and G is 7 almost 8 and it had some words in it that I had to read and explain to him. Some but not all of the big words are genetics, hormone, flesh. One more was venerated which I had to google to explain to him.
Something that I didn't care to have to explain to him was the line The lion’s tongue is almost like sandpaper which helps them to scrape the flesh from the bones of prey.
I just think that a 7 year old is a little young to have this line in a book that was written for his age group.
Also there is a line in the book about lions being able to run 80 kilometers per hour ( meters per hour) now it has been a while since I had to use the metric system but that just doesn't make any sense.
G gives it 3 stars out of 5 because it had some neat pictures and cool facts about lions.
Good review from G and you!