Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Z seems to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed today.  She wouldn't leave her nookie in her bed and when I pulled it out and threw it in her bed she flopped on the floor and screamed. then when we were leaving to go to daycare she didn't want to leave G's car ramp behind so she cried all the way to daycare.  Ugh I hate these kind of days.

K and I went on our walk early today because it was supposed to hit 90 degrees today (it actually got to 95).  We walked by what used to be a KFC.

We also walked by a church with a very thought provoking quote on its sign.

I finished my Twilight Mitts this afternoon.  Yup its 90 degrees out and this week I have finished a sweater and mittens lol.  So the pattern is called Phenomenon and it is free on Ravelry here.

When I picked the little ones up from daycare I hear that Z was just as crabby there as she was at home.  She was doing much better after her nap so I did let her play with the car ramp some more before dinner.

The boys got some reading done because it was NoTechTuesday.  Yup we are still keeping up with being technology free on Tuesdays.

This evening Z went back to being her crabby self with her crabby PJs on lol.

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